In the past few months, I've gotten to visit the Talladega National forest a few times and even spend a night camping in Cheaha State park, where I saw my first scorpion.
The mountains I've been looking at are blue despite being made up almost entirely of luscious green trees.
The cartoon Samurai Jack has also popped into my head strangely often in recent weeks. I've seen posters around the city that remind me of that animation style and been trying to pinpoint exactly what it is about it that I like so much.
I think it may be the use of atmospheric perspective and how, even with such flat colors, we can convey great depth in little detail.
I chose to include the parallax effect in this sketch as I've been interested in mimicking it in two dimensions and spending a lot of time looking out the window of a moving car.
I plan to see what this looks like in a few more colors and try coding it in a different way to allow for more control over the speed of the mountains with fewer points (and therefore less processing power) required.
The drone you are hearing is a sound I downloaded from